New! Flashback Fridays

Now that this blog is available as a paid subscription for Kindle users I want to make sure subscribers get their money’s worth. Since the RSS feed provides them with only the five most recent posts but I’ve been posting since May 28, 2012 (Hey! Happy blog anniversary to me!) I want to make some of the earlier articles available as well to the Kindle crowd.

So Flashback Friday posts will highlight popular articles from the WBK archive. Today’s blast from the past is How To Roll A Yoga Mat:

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Kindle Subscription Now Available!

Did you know that Amazon offers Kindle subscriptions to some blogs? I recently bought a Kindle and just discovered the Kindle blogs store contains over 13,000 blogs! Some are free, most are 99 cents a month (FYI Amazon decides on the pricing, based – I think – on publication frequency).

After some RSS feed tweaking I applied to have What Betty Knows listed, and it is now live here!

WBK Amazon subscription page view

Note that it is only available on certain Kindle devices (because some of them do not reproduce images, NOT because I “opted out of making it available”), so check your device. In any case you will not be allowed to purchase a subscription if you don’t have a usable Kindle model registered.

There is a 14-day free trial period, so you can cancel if the Kindle experience doesn’t work for you.

However! Whether or not you have a Kindle, please do me a favor: If you enjoy WBK please go to this link and write a review. It doesn’t need to be long (there is a 20 word minimum required), but would help convince others to check out WBK. Most helpful would be for you to say what you like about it, as trying to describe the content is difficult unless you already know me :-)  Thanks!

Quick Tip: Google Maps Now Shows Bike Route Elevation

Now when you plot a bicycling route using Google Maps you also get elevation information so you can make changes to it before finding yourself confronting a steep hill unexpectedly.

NOTE: Currently this feature is available only when using a desktop browser, not yet for mobile browsing.

bike elevation Google

Bicycle Roadside Assistance

Bikes riding

Now that the weather is improving more people will be out on bicycles. And many urban cities are working on ways to encourage more commuters to leave their cars home, including bike commuting.

Some bikers are very knowledgeable about fixing their machine if it develops problems while on a ride such as flat tires, chain or brake problems, etc. Some automobile drivers know how to put on a spare tire, add oil and other fluids, etc. But there are many among both types  of commuters who don’t have these skills (or cannot due to physical limitations).

Car commuters have long had the choice of purchasing roadside assistance from a number of service providers (AAA, Countrywide, etc). Until recently bicyclists were on their own, but that is now changing…

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