Don’t Ignore Your Parents’ Analog Technology

In many ways we are living in a version of the high-tech future that appeared in science fiction fifty years ago (though we are all still waiting for our jet packs and flying cars). But sometimes it pays to revisit some of the old style devices used by our parents and grandparents.

For instance: right now it is thundering and pouring rain outside, but despite having my windows open everything inside is dry. This is due to my recent purchase of window filter screens like my mother used to use to help keep pollen out of our allergy-ridden house:

These not only filter out pollen but keep rain from coming in. They come in several heights and widths (though only work in traditional double-hung windows) and may be found on sites selling allergy alleviating products, e.g., National Allergy, Allergy Control, Vitaire.

What old-school techniques might be useful in your 21st century life?

Friday Faves 02-08-13

With a major winter storm poised to bury my area in a couple feet of snow, let’s think of warmer days – check out this Kickstarter to build an urban farm on the roof of a building in downtown Boston:


This is kind of neat – a phone charging device that produces charge based on applying your hot or cold drink to it:


Local tip: if you are a resident of Cambridge MA with less-than-adequate or no health insurance (or even if you have some – there is no qualification other than residency) you can get a free card for discounts on prescription medicine at certain pharmacies. See all the information here.

Easier Pet Medication with Compounding

We have four cats, and none of them are easy to trick into taking medicine. That was especially difficult when one needed to go on twice-daily doses of thyroid medication. Rather than trying various pill pouches, rolling it in cheese, or grinding pills to powder for food mixing, consider having your pet’s prescription filled by a compounding pharmacy who will professionally mix the medicine with other ingredients to make it more appealing to your pet.

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Friday Faves 11-23-12: Charity Edition

This week’s quick Friday Faves highlight a few homegrown nontraditional charitable groups. Because they are grassroots startups and/or dedicated to providing a charitable service that is outside of the box your contribution will probably not be tax-deductible. However, donating the cost of a latte and a scone will do a lot of good:

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