Friday Faves 12-07-12

If you are looking for graphic design of all sorts: website, logos, apparel, packaging, environmental graphics, stationery, brochures, posters, CD covers, Facebook cover/profile images, WordPress blogs, corporate brands, and more, including photography – I recommend Metropol Omnimedia. They designed my band Ginger Ibex’s beautiful CD cover, band logo and poster. To see samples of their work, visit their Facebook portfolio


Some random Kickstarter projects I like:

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Friday Faves 11-23-12: Charity Edition

This week’s quick Friday Faves highlight a few homegrown nontraditional charitable groups. Because they are grassroots startups and/or dedicated to providing a charitable service that is outside of the box your contribution will probably not be tax-deductible. However, donating the cost of a latte and a scone will do a lot of good:

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Quick Friday Faves – 11-16-12

Another quick FF – check out more of my friends’ Kickstarter projects – both of these albums will be well worth a listen, plus some of their KS rewards are fun (e.g., go bowling or skiing with the artist, or have a band record a running critique of the movie of your choice!):

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