Remember “Wite-Out” or Correction Tape?

Long ago, before laser, inkjet, or even dot matrix printers, before Word or standalone word processors, there was the typewriter. No “delete” key, just “oops!” or more salty language when you typed something incorrectly.

Various remedies were available for analog correction: Wite-Out was a small bottle of white paint for covering over the incorrect typing so you could re-type over it. Correction film was a small sheet of plastic coated on one side with a white substance: you held this between the paper in the typewriter and its keys, then typed the same WRONG letter in the same place, so that the film’s coating would exactly transfer to the paper, covering the letter. Fancy IBM electric typewriters had a spool of correction film built in for instant use.

Why am I telling you this? Because today you would be hard-pressed to find either of these correction tools in your home or office, yet there may still be an occasion when you need to block out a mistake on a document.

For instance, I had a paper form I needed to fill out by hand (since I did not have a PDF to edit online) and fax to a company. Just before I sent it I realized I had checked a wrong box on it, but trying to change it would be messy (and as it was a legal document probably render it unacceptable). Any bottle of correction fluid I’d had was long ago dried up. My only typewriter tool was an old typing ball I’d saved for nostalgia.

BUT – what my office DID have was an electronic label-maker, which prints black letters on *white sticky tape*! I clipped off a small piece of unprinted tape, places it over the incorrect mark, added the correct mark, photocopied the document (to make the added tape piece less noticeable), and faxed the document with no complaints from the recipient.

Create Your Own GarageBand Loops

Today’s post is rather geeky! Since for this year’s RPM Challenge I am working with a musical partner for the first time we decided to do our recording projects using Apple’s GarageBand. GB is fairly easy to use and at this point has been improved and cross-pollinated from Apple’s pro Logic app sufficiently to get decent results.

One of the functions that makes GB easy is Apple Loops. GB comes with a large collection of pre-recorded/programmed live and electronic (MIDI) snippets that can be dropped into your song project and then “dragged” with your mouse to duplicate as many times as you wish.In the screen shot below (click to enlarge) I have dragged the loop “club beat 001” from the list of loops at the bottom right into the track area in the middle, and when this was captured I was using my mouse to drag from left to right on the loop to cause it to start copying itself:

Gb loop


But suppose you want to create your own loops? First, a legal caveat: do NOT use music you did not create yourself unless you have obtained the rights to sample it! (Apple’s built-in loops are royalty-free for commercial use).

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Sharing Files Across Multiple Devices Part 1: Dropbox

I use several different applications for storing and accessing files across the different devices I use: Mac and Windows computers, iPhone, iPod Touch, sometimes Linux, occasionally Android, formerly Blackberry. Today I want to tell you about Dropbox:

 Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring all your photos, documents, and videos anywhere. This means that any file you save to your Dropbox on any device will automatically synchronize to ALL of your devices where you have installed it: computers, smartphones, iPod Touch, and also to your account on their website. In addition you can designate certain folders or files to share with other people by giving them a link address. If you lose or crash your computer the files will still be in on their site to restore.

Here are some ways I use Dropbox:

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